SAT Lessons
Week 1: How to think about the test
Homework: Complete the whole test,
one section a day, timed. This is the score we're trying to beat.
Answer Key
Week 2: Writing and Grammar
Homework: English section only. Not
timed, when you answer, write down what kind of problem it is.
Answer key
Week 3: Reading
Homework: Reading section only. Not
Timed, focus on finding specific reasons to eliminate answers.
Answer key
Week 4: Math 1: Review of Fundamentals
Homework: Essay Prompt
Homework: Complete the whole
test, one section a day, timed. We should see improvment on English and writing.
Answer key
Week 5: Math 2: Geometry, Lines and Quadratics
Homework: Math Section only. Not
Timed, focus on slowing down. Don't miss the easy questions.
Answer key
Week 6: Math 3: Trig and Functions to memorize
Homework Math section only. Not
timed; keep staying slow. Start practicing guessing on hard questions to save time.
Answer key
Week 7: Test Week
Homework: A complete practice test,
in one sitting, timed. This is dress rehearsal for the real deal.
Answer Key
Week 8: Final Prep Strategies and Review
Homework: No last minute practice or cramming. You can use the review sheet only. 8
hours of sleep for three days before the test. Breakfast on test day includes protein. Leave ½
hour early.